Frequently Asked questions(FAQs)

  • If you are taking multiple medications every day

    Don’t feel your medication is working for you!

    Have experienced an adverse reaction with your medication

    Tried and failed couple of medications and change them very frequently.

  • Once, the lab receives the kit. The turnaround time for results is typically 7-10 business days. You will be informed once the results are in via an email.

  • It is a non-invasive test. Two methods of how sampling is done:

    -Swabbing of Cheek or gum line area

    -Saliva sample

  • -If you are eligible for the test, we will provide you with a contact number for the labs.

    -They will ask for your insurance information if you don’t want to go through the self pay option(cash pay).

    -You can ask all questions related to the cost of the test, financial assistance programs and how the process works.

    -The labs will ship the test kits directly to you. You easily take a sample of your DNA by the swab collector (which is like a Q-tip) included in the kit. Put the sample back in the pre-paid envelope(usually Fedex) by the lab and ship it back to them. Shipping doesn’t cost you anything. Watch a short video! **( This video is for informational purposes only, I am in no way endorsing any specific lab!)**

    **Please note: You will be responsible to pay for the lab related charges which will be explained to you by the respective lab before the test kit is shipped

  • -Most of the commercial insurances may or may not cover the cost of your test. If the insurance covers it, the cost could vary greatly and labs would inform you before running the test.

    -Out-of-pocket costs typically range from: $250-$399

    -Medicare (Not Medicare Advantage), Medicaid and TRicare Insurances: Tests is covered for most of them and you won’t be charged any additional fee. But, situation may vary according to every person.

    -Usually this test done only ONCE in your lifetime, but with ongoing technology advancements and science you may need to get re-tested after few years

  • In the comfort for your own HOME! Yes, you heard that right! We offer virtual consultation via Google Meets which is a HIPAA compliant and a secure portal to talk to your Pharmacist! You will be required to schedule sessions and pay for the appropriate sessions. You will be offered a total of 3 sessions:

    Step-1: FREE-15 minute consultation is on us! BOOK NOW!

    Step-2: All-the-things you need to know session: 45 mins

    Step-3: After-the-result session: 35 mins

    **NOTE: You will have to reschedule a session with at least 24 hours notice otherwise you will be responsible to cover the full amount of the respective session.

    Annual re-visits are also offered. Returning customers? We have something special for you in-store! Email us to know more!

  • Proactive with your health

    Tired of trying new diets and they don't work for you?

    Find the root cause of your problems for example: not being able to lose weight because of inflammation in your body or feeling you lack energy during the day?

    Drinking coffee makes you super bloated, but your friend stays perfectly fine?

  • Optimal vitamins and nutrients profile

    Weight management

    Cardiovascular health


    Immune health

    Exercise response

  • It usually takes 3-4 weeks from the time lab receives your sample

  • It is a non-invasive test. Two methods of how sampling is done:

    -Swabbing of Cheek or gum line area

    -Saliva sample

  • 1) $299 - It is a comprehensive test and FSA/HSA cards can be also be used.

    We have exciting offers coming up for y’all soon!

Nutrigenomic Testing